🖌️ AI Art Tips Thursday #24: Rinse and repeat!

Using repeat parameter to get multiple tries with the same prompt.

💡 AI Art Tips for the Day

As mentioned in last week’s issue, we are going to cover the repeat parameter today.

Actually, today’s issue is going to be relatively short as this parameter is really simple to understand. It basically just runs the prompt by the number you have indicated. As always, check the official document from Midjourney here: https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/repeat

To use this parameter, just add --repeat or --r followed by the number of times you want to run it, for instance, --repeat 3. Just one key callout, based on your subscription level, the maximum amount of repeats you can get varies.

  • Max 4 repeats for the Basic subscription plan

  • Max 10 repeats for the Standard subscription plan

  • Max 40 repeats for the Pro and Mega subscription plan

As an example, after putting out your prompt, you would get the following to confirm the number of repeats you would like to see:

Once you click Yes, you will see the three image prompts are being worked on.

After a while, you see all the images are shown:

So yeah, that is it for this repeat parameter. On the surface, this parameter might look like nothing. But if you are trying to get a variety of outputs to see what they could look like, this is a great little trick to save you some time from copying and pasting your original prompt.

🖼️ Image of the day

This feels like from the Barbie movie 😆 

Prompt: People enjoying a sunny afternoon on the bondi beach --v 5.2 --ar 16:9 --c 25 --weird 20

That is it for the day!

Until I see you next time, stay awesome my friend!


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