26th issue: The newer and bigger Falcon has landed 🦅

Falcon 180b, Claude Pro and more

🌯 Wrap for the week

A close look at all the main headlines in AI

Top news for the week

Watch out ChatGPT, Falcon 180B is here to take your place!

In a world where size matters, Abu Dhabi’s TII swoops in grandiosely with its new open-source language model, Falcon 180B.

  • Big Bird of the Open-Source Landscape: Falcon 180B isn't just entering the open-source realm; it's doing so with a grand entrance. The model, backed by a staggering 180 billion parameters, leverages a massive training dataset from TII's RefinedWeb, boasting a single-epoch pretraining process that is the longest for any openly accessible model. This heavyweight champion in the parameter department stands tall on the HuggingFace leaderboard, leaving contenders like Llama 2 and GPT-3.5 trailing with its multi-query attention feature and impressive computing power.

  • Performance Metrics Galore: The Falcon 180B is not just about big numbers; it brings robust performance to the table. While it dances gracefully with comparable results to Google’s PaLM 2-Large in several assessments, including HellaSwag and LAMBADA, it hasn't yet outshone the performances of GPT-4. However, the word on the street is, it's giving the competition a run for their money with its results in various benchmark assessments.

  • Commercial Use with Strings Attached: Before you roll up your sleeves to dive into commercial adventures with Falcon 180B, here's the small print: its usage comes with a restrictive clause, particularly ruling out "hosting use." The commercial circle might find this model playing hard to get, being less friendly compared to its predecessors in the Falcon series. Despite the tight leash, it offers a new avenue for developers and tech enthusiasts to explore the gigantic open-source player in the market.

While the market dynamics shift with this new entry, all eyes are now on OpenAI as we eagerly anticipate what GPT-5 will bring to this high-stakes open-source showdown.

If you want to check the official announcement from TII for the announcement of Falcon 180B, check it here: https://falconllm.tii.ae/

Also, as it is an open-source model, you can try it now on this space on Huggingface: https://huggingface.co/spaces/tiiuae/falcon-180b-demo

Main news credit:
UAE Unveils GPT-4’s New Rival, Falcon 180B from Analytics India Magazine

Other top AI headlines for the week

Claude is joining OpenAI and also gets into the subscription game now: Introducing Claude Pro from Anthropic

Not all artists are against the generative AI trend: Artists sign open letter saying generative AI is good, actually from TechCrunch

With this new AI from Zoom, do I still need to join a Zoom meeting? Maybe I can just ask for summaries after meetings: Zoom rebrands existing — and intros new — generative AI features from TechCrunch

🎬️ Guess that movie

Adding a bit of fun to your weekend reading, let’s guess the famous movie from the 10-emoji description created by ChatGPT:


If it is a bit hard to figure out, you can find the answer with some explanation from ChatGPT at the end of this newsletter.

🧰 Toolbox

Check out this week’s tools and resources that give you more superpowers with prompt crafting!

1. 📚️ The 100 Most Influential People in AI 2023: Curious about who are the key people behind the current AI trend, check out this list from Time Magzine.

2. 📚️ Anti-hype LLM reading list: Feeling a bit hard to catch up with the latest AI hype? This is a good list of readings regarding the fundamental stuff in AI. No hype, full of value.

3. 🔧 Open Interpreter: If you want to get a clever assistant on your machine, who can access the power of LLM and run tasks for you, try this open-source tool!

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🖼️ Image of the week

I guess that is what most people are contemplating when trying to create their next AI image 🤔 

🎬️ Guess that movie - answer

The answer is "Birdman" 🥳 

Did you guess that right? Here is ChatGPT’s explanation:


This summary is trying to encapsulate the major themes and events of the movie: The ageing protagonist (👴), the theatrical setting (🎭), Birdman's alter ego (🐦), strained relationships (💔), substance use (🥃), the spotlight and scrutiny from the public and himself (🎤), the process of creating art (🎬), mental turmoil (🤯), magical realism elements (💫), and the pursuit of acclaim and validation (👏).

That is it for the week!

Until I see you next time, stay awesome my friend!


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